Alex Breen
Board Director
Program Facilitator (Career Development)
I am currently retired from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with over 30 years of IT experience at that university. My IT career journey took me initially from the departmental IT support person to a Deputy CIO. During that career, I worked primarily in the areas of IT support and IT systems administration and spent over 20 years managing and leading groups of IT professionals in those areas. I’m pleased to say that I’m one of the initial MGRdev facilitators. I left the program prior to my retirement but have rekindled my involvement and facilitator role in the past few years.
I’m passionate about being a lifelong learner and enjoy working with individuals to grow and learn together. While my focus within MGRdev has always been on the importance of managers facilitating the career growth of their staff, I love working with individuals on a myriad of management and leadership topics.