Jessica reno

Program Coach

I am the manager of Support Services for the College of Agriculture at Purdue University.

Supporting my team's career development is truly one of the highlights of my role as Manager of Support Services at Purdue IT, College of Agriculture. While it's always bittersweet to see team members move on to new adventures, I take immense pride in their growth. Feeling that I've contributed to that growth is my favorite part of this job. 

Transitioning into a managerial position came with its challenges, and it wasn't until I attended MGRdev that I felt equipped to excel in this role. When I was promoted, I knew the technical aspects of support services inside and out, and I knew what makes the department run smoothly; however, I did not know how to manage a team effectively. MGRDev filled critical knowledge gaps and provided invaluable insights that contributed to my success. It was nice to share experiences with my cohort and to know I wasn't alone in my stumbling.  Having a supportive coach alongside me was instrumental, and I'm eager to pay it forward by supporting other new managers in the same way. My goal is to empower them with the knowledge and support they need to thrive in their roles and continue the cycle of growth and development.